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Friday 7 August 2015

Learn from the Experts How to Build a Rockstar Lead-Scoring Model with Video!

Are you scoring leads to make sure you’re flipping only the best over to the Sales team? Are you using video in your lead scoring model? If you’re unsure where to start or what to do next, you’re in luck:

Recently, David Johnson, Director of Product Marketing of Oracle Eloqua within Oracle Marketing Cloud, and Mike Griebenow, our Revenue Operations Systems Manager here at Vidyard, put on an awesome show for their webinar audience.

These two industry rock stars discussed some awesome info that’s worth playing over and over again. (Or, give the on-demand webinar a listen for yourself!)

79% of B2B marketers have not established a lead scoring model

If you don’t know where to start with lead scoring, you’re not alone. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn: companies that excel at lead nurturing have 9% more sales reps making quotas. Of course, that means the business is more likely to meet revenue numbers.

The buying process is changing

The Internet has changed how consumers and researchers conduct business. Today, buyers move themselves 60% to 90% of the way through the buying process before they engage with an organization’s sales people.

That means the buying process is shifting: now Marketing is responsible for converting leads and driving them further down the funnel than ever before. So it’s more important than ever to understand who your audience is and how they’re engaging with you. Only then will you be able to score them appropriately to make sure you’re collecting and sending the most valuable leads to Sales.

Build an effective and adaptable lead-scoring model

If you want to score leads effectively, you need to build a model that includes profile data (the information your viewer would fill out on a form), and engagement data (how they interact with you and your content). Determine things like a lead’s profile fit (what’s their industry and role?), and determine engagement activity like time on site, social interactions, video viewings, and more.

Once you’ve built your model, you need to make sure it’s adaptable and flexible. For example, how do leads interact with one product versus another? You also need to be able to decrement a lead’s score. This way you will be able to get a detailed and appropriate view into your leads.

A lead-scoring model should also to be able to weight scoring rules effectively. For example, perhaps your organization gets better leads through webinars than whitepapers. Your model should therefore grant a larger weight to those webinars.

Just don’t ask for too much too soon, otherwise you might discourage leads and convert less. As leads interact with you more and more, that’s when you’ll be able to get the information you need to score effectively.

What comes after you’ve built your model?

Lead scoring is never completed. Markets and technology change, and lead interactions change, so you need to continue to reassess your model. Align with your sales operations team to find out how leads are performing and how you can adjust your model. You can also look at how your lead-scoring model is generating revenue, and what that means for marketing and campaign performance.

Use the right media and tools to make sure your model is successful

Are you including video in your marketing strategies and lead-scoring model? You should: 72% of people watch video throughout the path to purchase.

A video marketing platform can give you the analytics you need to score

Using video in your content strategy is one thing. But how do you score it? You can easily learn if someone clicked on a video, but you won’t know if they watched or how they engaged with it. That’s where the Vidyard platform comes in: it helps you host, manage, and distribute your video content. It will give you analytics on what’s being watched, rewatched, and skipped. And, it integrates with MAPs and CRMs, so marketers and salespeople can use those insights to lead-score effectively, and target follow-up conversations.

With Vidyard’s Eloqua integration, for example, you can track which videos are being watched, and bump up the weightings on those videos that are performing well. You can weigh videos strategically, like at high, medium, or low scoring value. For example, a brand awareness video might raise a lead’s score by 5%, while a webinar might raise it 15%.

That data, of course, isn’t just for marketing purposes; when Sales can see info on what leads are watching, and if they watched it again, conversations can be tailored for conversion.

Why do you want to do all this? For the business value, of course!

Lead scoring offers a lot of value to your business, including:

  • Efficiency: Decrease the volume of sales-ready leads, so you aren’t focusing on the wrong leads
  • Marketing measurement: Assess campaign effectiveness, and potential worth of opportunities
  • Operational excellence: Align organizational resources for more efficient conversion

To learn more, view the on-demand webinar. Good luck with your scoring!


The post Learn from the Experts How to Build a Rockstar Lead-Scoring Model with Video! appeared first on Vidyard.

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