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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

6 Key Lessons that Will Change How You Market in 2016

Last month I had the amazing opportunity to go to Space Camp! The Space Camp video marketing summit, that is. In addition to helping host the event, I got to put on my modern marketing hat, attend some sessions, and learn from some the best in the universe. Here’s my mission de-brief on some of the most inspirational learnings that I took away from the event.  Hopefully they’ll inspire you as well with new ways to kick your marketing efforts into hyperdrive in 2016!

1. It all starts with a great script (which starts with a great writer)

No matter what type of content your team is producing, it all starts with a good idea, a great story, and an interstellar script. This is particularly important when it comes to producing video content. Great cameras don’t make great videos – great scripts do. Do you always try to start with great writing in your content and demand programs? Do you even have the right script writing talent in your team? This is exactly why we see more and more marketing teams hiring former journalists and rhetoric majors as in-house writers and content marketers. To see how, and why, others are approaching this in practice, check out the presentations from leading B2B marketing cosmonauts Sourabh Kothari of Cisco and Bhaji Illuminati of Taulia where they share how they’ve woven storytelling and great writing into the fabric of their business.

Video Everywhere but not for Everyone - Sourabh Kothari Video Everywhere but not for Everyone – Sourabh Kothari
Cutting Through the Noise with Creative Storytelling in B2B - Bhaji Illuminati Cutting Through the Noise with Creative Storytelling in B2B – Bhaji Illuminati

2. Video producers need to learn the broader digital marketing lingo

Many video producers and creative directors that I spoke with at the event commented on how much they loved learning how other groups in marketing think and speak. This understanding will go a long way in helping them manage internal relationships and align their efforts to the broader goals of the marketing team. So if you’re producing videos and don’t know what CTR or MQL stand for, or what all the hype is around Demand Generation and Marketing Automation, I highly recommend this session by Heidi Bullock, VP of Demand Gen at Marketo, which will basically give you a PhD in modern digital marketing in 30 minutes. Also check out the sessions from Mark Emond of Demand Spring on aligning your video strategy with the buyer’s journey and from David Johnson of Oracle on making sense of the marketing technology landscape.

The Right Message at the Right Time - Heidi Bullock The Right Message at the Right Time – Heidi Bullock
Aligning Your Video Marketing Strategy with Each Stage of the Buying Journey - Mark Emond Aligning Your Video Marketing Strategy with Each Stage of the Buying Journey – Mark Emond
Making Sense of the Marketing Technology Landscape - David Johnson Making Sense of the Marketing Technology Landscape – David Johnson

3. Video is helping sales teams get noticed and close more deals, for reals!

Sales teams are getting wise to the ways of video. We saw numerous examples of how sales teams are using video content to expedite the sales process. From on-demand product demos to self-recorded personal greetings to targeted customer testimonials, video is becoming a powerful weapon for boosting sales productivity and effectiveness. When was the last time you asked your sales team which videos they need to be more effective, or how you can help them better prospect with personal videos? I highly recommend the session from Rich Kline, VP of Solutions Engineering at Salesforce, to see how his own sales team uses video to boost efficiency and performance. Also check out The Future of Marketing and Selling with Video to see how the Vidyard for Sales solution is changing the way sales reps prospect and sell.

Using Video Content and Analytics to Boost Sales Performance - Rich Kline Using Video Content and Analytics to Boost Sales Performance – Rich Kline
The Future of Marketing and Selling with Video - Michael Litt & Devon Galloway The Future of Marketing and Selling with Video – Michael Litt & Devon Galloway

4. Personalized videos could cure world hunger, and falling email CTRs

Vidyard’s launch of Personalized Video was quite the buzz at Space Camp. Everyone I spoke with about it was not only super excited, but they already had ideas for how they could use it in practice to better engage their audiences and boost click-through-rates (CTRs) of email and content marketing campaigns. During the Space Camp keynote, Michael Litt revealed some pretty amazing stats from recent personalized video campaigns. For example, those who received emails with a normal version of the video clicked through at a rate of 2% on average (pretty consistent with industry benchmarks) while those who received the personalized version of the video, including a personalized thumbnail image, clicked through at a rate of over 30%. Yes, that’s a 16x multiplier. Oops, sorry about that, I hope your jaw isn’t too sore. During the Video Marketing Trailblazer panel we also heard many leading marketers talking about personalization and interactivity as the future of video marketing. The possibilities are amazing and I’m pumped to see how marketers use these new technologies to blow the doors off in 2016 (and blow some minds while they’re at it).

Video Marketing, The Final Frontier - Michael Litt Video Marketing, The Final Frontier – Michael Litt
Defying Gravity: Video Marketing Trailblazers in Action - Panel Defying Gravity: Video Marketing Trailblazers in Action – Panel

5. High performing videos don’t just make themselves

You already know this, but high performing videos don’t just happen by mistake. It takes a thoughtful approach to the storyline, the script writing, the style, and much more. Equally important is how you choose to produce the video, which agency you choose to partner with, and how you brief them on the project. For loads of great tips on how to get a big bang out of your next video project, check out the recorded presentations from the Video Production and Planning track in the Space Camp video hub. You’ll find Paul Hochman’s session on the 3 keys to creating successful videos, Ian Buck’s session on how to efficiently scale your video production strategy, Mike Kaney’s session on how to effectively plan your video projects and agency partnerships, and Rob Humphrey from LinkedIn sharing his tips on getting more effective and creative with your in-house produced video content (without blowing up your budget).

6. Using the data actually does help you boost results – imagine that!

Imagine a universe where we not only collect awesome data and analytics, but we actually use the related insights to boost results! Fascinating. Well, we saw lots of great examples of how video analytics are helping real marketers optimize their content and improve their output. Companies like Act-On, Bisk Education, Plex Systems, Cetera Financial, Salesforce and BMC are using viewer engagement data to identify which content is holding their audience’s attention and which ones are falling flat. They’re also tracking video viewing activities of individual accounts to identify which videos are helping to drive the most leads, pipeline and revenue. Check out the Video Marketing Trailblazer panel and sessions from Rich Kline of Salesforce and Rob Bois of Plex Systems for some great examples of how real marketing and sales teams are doing this today and the kind of impact it’s having on the bottom line.

Defying Gravity: Video Marketing Trailblazers in Action - Panel Defying Gravity: Video Marketing Trailblazers in Action – Panel
Using Video Content and Analytics to Boost Sales Performance - Rich Kline Using Video Content and Analytics to Boost Sales Performance – Rich Kline
Bringing Science to the Art of Video Marketing - Rob Bois Bringing Science to the Art of Video Marketing – Rob Bois

Hopefully this gives you some great inspiration as you think about your 2016 marketing attack plan. From investing in great storytelling to planning out your production strategy to using video analytics for optimizing results, now is the time to get strategic with video marketing and video selling.  All systems go, prepare to launch.

The post 6 Key Lessons that Will Change How You Market in 2016 appeared first on Vidyard.

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