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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Digital Dojo: When You’re ‘Lack Toast and Tolerant’

Recently, you’ve probably seen something that caught your eye on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace, and quickly slapped that ‘Share’ or ‘Retweet’ icon as fast as you could. The problem is, and you may not realize it, is that most of what you’re sharing with your friends is usually boring to everyone but you. There’s only one way to fix this problem, and that’s to share more cool infographics.

Here are some neat infographics that you may have missed lately while you were mad about something online.

#1: Masks of Legend

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Professional Wrestling, or Lucha Libre as it’s called in Mexico, is the second most popular ‘sport’ behind Soccer (“Fútbol” so that Christiano Ronaldo doesn’t get mad) in the entire country.

This infographic from SeasideMexico looks at the most famous masked Luchadors in the world of Mexican wrestling, both from the past and present. Names like Rey Mysterio Jr. and Mil Mascaras will be recognizable to wrestling fans all over the world, but the highlight here is that this infographic includes La Parka, who I have to say is in the Top 3 of greatest dancers in history. I don’t know who the other two would be, but he’s in the Top 3.

#2: The Most Popular Toys Through the Decades

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Coming at you from Ebates, this infographic is all about the most popular, toughest toys to get over the years around the holiday season. What’s great about this graphic is that it dates back all the way to 1983, a time when Ronald Reagan was President, India was victorious in the Cricket World Cup, and Peter Criss (and whoever else was in KISS, he’s the only one anyone remembers) appeared in public without makeup for the very first time. A cat without its whiskers – inconceivable.

From the Koosh Ball and Tamagotchi to the iPad and the Wii-U, this infographic has it all. My personal favorite on the list is the hot item from 1990 – the 16-bit Super Nintendo. Did you know that the last time the Buffalo Bills made the playoffs, Nintendo was still manufacturing games for that thing?

#3: North America’s Most Popular Sports

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Sports fans in North America will dig this infographic from EDQ, which looks at the average attendance for all of the professional sports franchises in both the United States and Canada. Not only that, but this graphic breaks down North America into twelve different regions, to give you a more detailed look at the franchises (including the Tennessee Titans with their flaming bowling ball logo) that make up this neat Continent of ours, one of the seven best in the world.

One cool thing to note from this Infographic is that the greatest Quarterback in the National Football League, Blake Bortles, has more people show up to his amazing home performances than every NBA, NHL, MLB, and MLS team – impressive. The Bortles Kombat effect.

#4: 10 Fun Cat Facts That You’ll Want To Tell Everyone

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Before we talk about this infographic, just look at the fact above and then know that some people actually think that the correct term is “lack toast and tolerant.” What a time to be alive.

This infographic is all about cats, giving you facts about them that will turn someone’s world upside down, somewhere. Did you know that after six weeks, cats master the reflex that allows them to always land on their feet? Some cats have even survived falls of more than 65 feet. That’s crazy. Good for them; at least my life has more to it than eating the same thing every day and scratching the couch.

#5: Who Is The Greatest Movie Killer?

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The greatest Horror movie franchise in history is the Nightmare on Elm Street series; that’s if you don’t count New Nightmare (1994), Freddy Vs. Jason (2003), or the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010).

This infographic, all the way from the United Kingdom, takes a look at the main killers from some of the most popular horror film franchises ever, filling you in on how many movies they appeared in, how many people they killed, and even their kill ratio, because why not.

The highest kill count goes to Jason, just standing there with his hockey mask on, waiting. Dumbest character of the bunch from the dumbest franchise of the bunch, but has the most kills. What a world.

#6: Male Baldness Scale – How Bad Is Your Bald?

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You’ll find a lot of people who claim that they would hate to be bald, but they should realize that there have been some really impressive bald people in the universe’s history, including Stone Cold Steve Austin, Popeye, and Charles Barkley.

Coming your way from the Nu/Hart Clinic, this infographic will let you know where you stand on the always popular ‘Male Pattern Baldness Scale.’ Surprisingly enough, if you’re not even losing your hair, you’re still “Class I” on the scale.

Class VI, on the other hand, is considered the “major hair loss” stage. You should click on it and see the guy’s face at Class VI. Whew, someone is mad.

#7: The Biggest Jackpots in the History of Gambling

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Can you imagine winning $27,582,539? That’s what happened to a 60-year-old guy at a casino in Las Vegas back in 1998.

This infographic, released by Casinority, shows you the biggest jackpots ever in gambling, from casino games to the lottery. Apparently at a poker table in 1996, a guy named Huck Seed (no, really) won $2.3 million by playing in the 27th Annual World Championship from Las Vegas.

Speaking of which, have you ever watched the World Series of Poker on ESPN? If so, I’m just wondering why.

Have you seen any infographics lately that you’ve particularly enjoyed? If so, be sure to share them with us in the comments section below.

The post Digital Dojo: When You’re ‘Lack Toast and Tolerant’ appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.

from Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog

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