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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Landing Page Flaws That Kill Your Conversions

What is the purpose of a landing page?

To acquire valuable information from prospects that will allow you to market to them effectively, right?

It’s a simple transaction. You, the marketer, lay your offer on the table. If the prospect finds your offer valuable enough, they’ll give up some of their information to receive what you’re offering. Nothing else in marketing could be so simple. It’s a great “take it or leave it” scenario.

So how do you know if your landing pages are doing well?

The average landing page conversion rates are all over the board. Some people claim the average is 2%, while other say you should be at around 20%.

Wishpond looked at data from a number of different companies and found the average conversion rate for a B2B landing page is 13.28%, while the average for B2C is 9.87%.

If you’re struggling for conversions, the best thing you can do is repeatedly test variants against the originals. But if you’re always producing low-quality variants, it’s unlikely you’ll see a budge in conversions.

That’s what today’s infographic is for. It will show you what a lot of landing pages get wrong – and how you can rectify those flaws. From here you’ll be able to create better variants that’ll kick your originals in the rear.

7 Landing Page Flaws That Kill Your Conversions
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout

Additional Resources

We’ve created a lot of free content to help you take your landing pages to the next level. Here are some of my favorite webinars (blog posts are included under Related Posts):

Signup for these webinars. They’re presented by top-notch folks who have been around the block and done their fair share of optimizing. Now they share that knowledge with you, for free.

They’ve already been recorded, so as soon you watch the webinar you’ll get to watch it right away. You’ll have some great takeaways for each.

What techniques have you used to increase landing page conversions?

About the Author: Zach Bulygo (Twitter) is the Blog Manager for Kissmetrics.

from The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog

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