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Tuesday 12 January 2016

Set Up Kissmetrics Without Code: Click to Track Key Events on Your Website

We just launched our event visualization editor, and it’s one of my favorite features because it solves a huge pain point for marketers.

Long gone are the days when marketers had to get prioritized into a sprint to get an analytics tool implemented – and implemented right. With our newest feature, Click To Track, you no longer have to write any code to set up analytics. Simply use your mouse to add events by clicking on key elements of your website. You can find Click to Track via our navigation.


Check out this video to see how Click to Track works and how to get started:


Event Manager

You’ll also notice a new face lift for the “Event Library.” We’ve migrated all your data to this newly improved “Event Manager” tool so your events are more organized and you can work more efficiently.


A note about existing events: if you have events that you’ve set up previously, they will not show up in the “Defined Events” list.

Don’t worry, you didn’t lose any of your tracking or tracking rules – you can find them in the “Event Manager” tool.

With all these enhancements, we hope marketers can now spend more time with their developers and analyze data that matters to their organizations. Setup used to take an afternoon of your development team’s time. Now that you can take setup off your developer’s plate, you can work more efficiently together.

Need more details? Check out our support doc for Click to Track.
Take me to Click to Track now!

About the Author: Keara Cho is the Senior Product Marketing Manager at Kissmetrics.

from The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog

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