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Monday, 28 March 2016

18 Tweetable Traffic Building Tips to Start Using Today!

tweetable-traffic-building-tipsEarlier this year we have started a new initiative sending our newsletter subscribers regular actionable traffic generation tips

Subscribe to that list here and receive regular tips as well!

To collect more input and inspiration I reached out to the industry peers to learn their most effective traffic building tips!

I got 18 tips worth sharing with the world!

1. Get busy on Pinterest. Just like SEO, only tastier! Brings long term traffic, and builds over time. What more do you need.

Click To Tweet

(By Ashley Faulkes @madlemmingz)

Further reading: Pinterest Tips and Tricks for your Website

2. Stop thinking content and start thinking value. Yet another list of 10 ways to do something doesn’t give any value.

Stop thinking content and start thinking value ~@Texterra_engClick To Tweet

(By Tim Fehraydinov @Texterra_eng)

Further reading: How to Rank Higher in Google

3. Go visual and respect the time of the reader. Life is too short to read boring and repetitive introductions, and the phrase “check it out” basically kills the post as it doesn’t sound motivating.

On the other hand, an interesting picture going with an accurate headline are always catchy, makes want for more and maybe even to subscribe for later news.

An interesting picture going with an accurate headline are always catchy~@jone_vasaitisClick To Tweet

(By @jone_vasaitis)

Further reading: 20 Sites to Diversify Your Visual Marketing

4. Interview an online influencer and get them to promote it via their social media channels and any other means they have

Interview an online influencer and get them to promote it via their social media channel ~@BrightonCormacClick To Tweet

(By Cormac Reynolds @BrightonCormac)

Further reading: How to Get Your Expert Interview Retweeted Like Crazy

5. Optimise page title and meta description for highest CTR. It’s not enough just to appear in the SERPS – people need to click!

Optimise page title and meta description for highest CTR ~@timfelClick To Tweet

(By Tim Felmingham @timfel)

Further reading: How to Optimize Title Tags for Higher Rankings and Better Click-Through #JimAndAnn

6. Combine power of Content (great topics, in-depth), SEO (keywords, backlinks), Social (be everywhere, network) for traffic building

Combine power of Content, SEO, Social for more traffic ~@RtMixMktgClick To Tweet

(By Tom Treanor @RtMixMktg)

Further reading: 5 Steps To An Integrated Approach To SEO-Friendly Content Marketing

7. Blog commenting is great to build traffic. Post indepth comments on high-authority blogs in your industry!

Blog commenting is great to build traffic. Post indepth comments on high-authority blogs ~@ErikEmanuelliClick To Tweet

(By @ErikEmanuelli)

Further reading: How Commenting May Help You Build Your Credibility And Traffic For Your Blog

8. Spend time writing a headline which people can’t help but click! After reading the headline people should be excited to read your article!

Spend time writing a headline which people can't help but click! ~@zenagencyClick To Tweet

(By @zenagency)

Further reading: How to (Try to) Write a Perfect Headline

9. Collaborate on content with industry peers for them to then help you promote it!

Collaborate on content with industry peers for them to then help you promote it! ~@roxanasoiClick To Tweet


  • Write an article based on questions that get most engagement in a community and share it with members 1-on-1 on social media.
  • Open a thread in a group and ask people their favorite practices + why they do it. Gather answers, write article, share it w/ them.
  • Publish reviews/content where you mention several brands. Share with each brand and invite to share w/ their community.
  • Contribute on a trending topic on a major website. Create amazing content/visuals that are shareable. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
  • Create a bridge between communities you’re active on (i.e. @myblogu) & those you own, so users engage with each other and share content.

(By Roxana Nasoi @roxanasoi)

Further reading: 8 Collaboration Tools to Improve Your Content

10. Make a list of best blog posts on a particular topic. Don’t be shy to use the content of your competitors.

Make a list of best blog posts on a particular topic. ~@JaneKryukovaClick To Tweet

(By @JaneKryukova)

Further reading: How to Get Traffic and Links from Blog Roundups

11. Be helpful. I contribute to multiple forums and provide answers to questions when I can. I receive hundreds of site visits through signature links each month from doing so. You can as well.

Be helpful. Contribute to multiple forums & provide answers to questions ~@MediaWyseClick To Tweet

(By Casey Markee @MediaWyse)

Further reading: 6 Ways to Get Traffic from Forums to Your Website

12. Use keywords with search volume that already rank. Find them with @Searchmetrics & @SEMRush or @Spyfu. Optimize with @Moz Grader

Use keywords with search volume that already rank. Find them w/ @Searchmetrics, @SEMRush, @Spyfu ~@LukaszZeleznyClick To Tweet

(By @LukaszZelezny)

Further reading: 3 Awesome Free Keyword Research Tools

13. Schedule social shares throughout the month for new posts

Schedule social shares throughout the month for new posts ~@duggansaraClick To Tweet

(By Sara Duggan @duggansara)

Further reading: How to Promote a Blog Post on Social Media

14. Be relative to the question, if you want to be chosen as the one to answer it. Keywords still count!

Be relative to the question, if you want to be chosen as the one to answer it ~@DonSturgillClick To Tweet

(By @DonSturgill)

Further reading: Basic 101Beginner’s Guide to SEO

15. Give value and engage at every opportunity. It makes people curious for more.

Give value and engage at every opportunity. It makes people curious for more. ~@SeegerNClick To Tweet

(By Nancy Seeger @SeegerN)

Further reading: Social Media 101

16. Share your content where your fan base is mostly active (for me it’s Twitter and DeviantART). Tag/mention people and use hashtags!

Share your content where your fan base is mostly active ~@luanatfClick To Tweet

(By Luana Spinetti @luanatf)

Further reading:

17. Share your content more than once, esp through Twitter and Reddit. Be sure to mix up you hashtags to reach new audiences

Share your content more than once, esp through Twitter and Reddit ~@EdwinDearbornClick To Tweet

(By @EdwinDearborn)

Further reading: 7 Different Ways To Re-Package Your Tweets

18. Smile when you write. People are drawn to smiles, and it does come out in your writing.

Smile when you write. People are drawn to smiles, and it does come out in your writing ~@amabaieClick To Tweet

(By David Leonhardt @amabaie)

Further reading: 52 more signs that you might be a writer

Are there any tweetable traffic tips you’d like to share? Post them in the comments!

The post 18 Tweetable Traffic Building Tips to Start Using Today! appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.

from Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog

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