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Thursday, 15 December 2016

Have You Met V-Bot?

When you think of technology and software, do you think of something that’s cold, mechanical, and unfriendly? Software is something for the IT department to deal with, right? Something you have to use to get your job done. It works well enough sometimes, and other times it causes you to glare at your computer and sigh exasperatedly.

At Vidyard, we’ve always prided ourselves on being different. Yes, we’re a software company. But more importantly, we’re a company that loves people. Everything we do is focused on the people who use our product. We focus on how we can help our customers become the best versions of themselves, and how we can help them learn about and inspire their own audiences. That’s where V-Bot comes in.


Hi, I’m V-Bot!

If you’ve taken a look through our website, watched our videos, and gone to some of the biggest industry events and parties, chances are you’ve already seen or even met V-Bot. But who—and what—is V-Bot? Our mighty green robot mascot has been a part of our Vidyard family from the very beginning, as a ‘living’ symbol of the qualities we believe in: unmatched power and knowledge, combined with friendliness and human connection.


Birth/first drawing of V-Bot, circa 1 AV

In V-Bot, not just our platform is represented, but the experience of our platform. Our Vidyard platform provides customers with online video hosting and streaming tools, and an abundance of in-depth analytics like which videos viewers are watching, what (and when and from where!) they’re sharing and downloading, and how long they stay engaged. V-Bot’s friendly eyes, anthropomorphic form, and contagiously fun personality are a reminder that knowledge isn’t just data and cold facts. It means getting the insights you need for your business to truly understand your audience, so you can relate to them not just as an organization, but as people.


Ta da!

At Vidyard, we’ve come to realize that V-Bot is beloved not just by us, but by our audience and customers. We see the love that V-Bot gets at events, and the worldwide trips he goes on with customers, and we know that V-Bot is thrilled to be embraced (literally!) by the families of our Vidyard customers, igniting the desire for knowledge, creativity, and human connection for years and years to come.


V-Bot getting some help with Tree pose at an industry conference


V-Bot is beloved by our customers…and their children, too! (And sometimes even family dogs!)

That’s why, if you’re keen of eye, you will have noticed that our logo has changed during this past year. V-Bot deserves pride of place in our logo…we couldn’t think of a better way to share what Vidyard and V-Bot stand for!


Previous Vidyard logo


New, glorious Vidyard logo

Whether you’re in a marketing, sales, communications, or support role, V-Bot wants to help you set your business apart from the crowd, create awe-inspiring results like you’ve never had before, and reach your own incredible potential. V-Bot was made for you.

What’s your favorite experience or memory of V-Bot? Let us know and it’ll be sure to put a smile on V-Bot’s face!

The post Have You Met V-Bot? appeared first on Vidyard.

from Vidyard

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