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Thursday 12 January 2017

Adding Video to Your Sales Emails is No #SalesFail

Getting attention from your prospects isn’t always easy. The average person receives a whopping 100+ emails a day, and opens less than 25 of them. Combine that with our goldfish-like attention span, and it’s a recipe for your email going unnoticed.

And to make matters worse, we’re only human. How many times have you sent an email referencing the wrong industry? Or worse, misspelled your prospect’s name? It happens to to the best of us — and that’s why we created #SalesFails.

In the spirit of Mean Tweets, we present some of the more egregious examples painful prospecting and cold emails we’ve received:

We know there are more #SalesFails out there, and that you have probably received more than a few yourself. Tell us about them in the comments!

Don’t think we’re just poking fun at everyone else. We’ve made all these mistakes too. And so we got thinking…

There has to be a better way!

And there is — video! Video gets you the attention you need. Plus, it puts the ‘human’ back in selling and is proven to increase click-through rates by 5x and open-to-reply rates by 8x.

Want to learn how to harness this power for your prospecting? Download the Video Selling Success Kit! You’ll learn tips for recording your first video, 7 ways you can use video to close more business, and how to use ViewedIt, the free screen, voice and webcam recorder for Chrome!

SalesFails - Feat

The post Adding Video to Your Sales Emails is No #SalesFail appeared first on Vidyard.

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