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Thursday 21 September 2017

Meet the Vidyard Team, Video Style: Sofia Loureiro

Meet the Team is our monthly chance to introduce you to the fabulous, quirky, talented people who work at Vidyard, using our favorite medium — video! For this episode, we caught up with Sofia Loureiro, User Experience Designer at Vidyard. Learn why she spends so much of her time training service dogs for NSD, and why her father has had such an influence on her life in this new interview:

What Didn’t Make the Cut

Sofia shared a lot more than just how tear-jerking graduation ceremonies are, so here are a few more of her answers:

What Brought You to Vidyard?

I studied Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo, and I have been hearing about Vidyard since I was in my first year. Our co-founders both studied in the same program, and started working together with other Vidyard folks on Vidyard while they were in school. So I’ve been hearing about it for a while now!

I’ve always been looking for opportunities to work here, and a couple months ago I got a random message on LinkedIn to apply. I was super excited, so I did. And now I’m here!

What is your favourite video on the internet right now?

My favourite videos are standup stone by Drew Lynch on YouTube. He’s hilarious. I’m pretty sure the reason I like it so much is that he has a service dog, and jokes about service dogs a lot, so it’s hilarious and I can relate to it. Whenever I need a good laugh about people doing silly things with service dogs, I go watch his videos!

What’s your favourite place to eat in Kitchener, and why?

Four All Ice Cream! I go there very often, and my favourite flavour of ice cream is their new strawberry rhubarb sorbet. It’s just amazing.



The post Meet the Vidyard Team, Video Style: Sofia Loureiro appeared first on Vidyard.

from Vidyard

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