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Thursday, 11 January 2018

6 Reasons Video Is A Star Player In Content Marketing

It’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is on the rise. And, it’s certainly not a tactic to be taken lightly. In fact, YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web and while video marketing is frequently an afterthought, its value demands a front-runner position in your content marketing plan.

Here are the 6 reasons why video is a star player in the content marketing landscape and should be in your marketing plan, too.

#6. Shift In Viewing Habits

Millennials—oh yes—are about to complete their sweep. By 2025 they’ll account for 75 percent of the workforce (read: buyers) and they’re about to upend your marketing like a digital native hurricane. The future is bright, loud, and interactive, what does the next generation of B2B buyers love? When Forrester asked whether they prefer video content, three generations responded in this fashion:

  • Millennials: 71%
  • Gen Xers: 58%
  • Baby Boomers: 54%

For millennials, video, be it live or asynchronous, is the next best thing to face-to-face. It offers connection but affords them the mobility they value so deeply.

#5. Greater Optimization Opportunities

How much of your latest blog post did readers consume? Did they re-read parts of it? Or come back to it later and read it again? Did they share it with friends? The truth is, it’s pretty hard to answer these questions on text-based content.

Video, on the other hand, has this feedback loop built in. Measure click-through rate, drop-off points, or number of times watched. You can even drill this down to an individual level.

It all boils down to this: the feedback loop for videos means you know what’s working and what’s not. Now to focus on more of the stuff that’s working!

#4. Better Performance


Video-based content campaigns help to tell a better story. They are fun, entertaining videos that enhance and drive home the messaging of the campaign. Whatever style you choose, using video to promote or complement other content campaigns will drive higher engagement.

When asked 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. 


There are numerous opportunities for video content on your website. By embedding a video, you can effectively reduce bounce rates and increase conversions on crucial landing pages like homepages, products, solutions, customers, demo or trial requests, campaign pages, etc.

Over 72 percent of businesses who use video, say it has increased website conversion rates


You slaved over that email copy for days and it contains important information for your customers! But does it resonate? Will it drive results? Will recipients even read it? Enter: video. The use of video in emails has been shown to triple click-through rates, and increase response rates. More effective emails? Yes please!

#3. Increased Conversions

The number one reason for using video in your content marketing plan? Video converts more customers. Simple, right? Recent research shows that 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. Need we say more?

#2. Higher Engagement

We’ve heard over and over that visual content is the key to great engagement. Video is no exception. So when you’re considering what types of posts to schedule on social networks in the coming weeks, think video: audiences are about 10 times more likely to engage, embed, share, and comment on video content than blogs or related social posts.

#1. Improved SEO

First off, utilizing video in your content marketing efforts will no doubt improve your SEO. In fact, according to Comscore, adding a video to your website can increase the chance of a front page Google result by 53 times.

Of course, that’s when you do it right. Want to learn more about how to properly optimize your videos for search? Check out these tips from Moz CEO Rand Fishkin.

That’s it: 6 reasons you simply can’t ignore video any longer. Video’s earned its keep; give it its fair share of real estate in your content marketing plan.

Do you agree with my list? What makes video the star player of your Content Marketing plan? Let me know in the comment section below.

The post 6 Reasons Video Is A Star Player In Content Marketing appeared first on Vidyard.

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