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Thursday 18 January 2018

Hot Off the Press! B2B Video Trends, Benchmarks and Success Factors

Video remains as important as ever—which is reflected by the increased usage, with 69% of all web traffic this year predicted to be video, which is a clear indicator of the power of this form of content.

Demand Metrics latest annual report explores how Marketers are using videos. It examines the new approaches, tools, video trends, and applications they are using for their video marketing needs and what kind of results they are getting.

What they see from the data is a content type that is still fresh and engaging.

Marketers who are looking to leverage video most efficiently, and produce the highest possible return, should implement these four recommendations:

1. Track Advanced Metrics

Advanced metrics are the only ones that can accurately tell marketers the revenue impact their content is having, and video is no exception to this. Those who are using advanced video metrics are reporting better video ROI

Marketers were 55% better at reporting video ROI with advanced metrics than those using basic/intermediate metrics” – Demand Metric Report: The State of Video Marketing in 2017


 2. Integrate Video Viewing Data

The combination of robust video data with a strong marketing automation platform brings customer intelligence to a whole new level of opportunity and goodness. Translation: It’s a win-win for you and your customers.

And since campaign performance can often be viewed in real time, you can monitor the entire pipeline and have full visibility of what’s working, what isn’t, and see the key drivers of revenue and conversion.

3. Pump Up the Volume of Video Production

“In 2016 the average number of videos produced annually was 29 in 2017 the average number of videos produced annually was 38+.” – Demand Metric Report: The State of Video Marketing in 2017 


Most of us have more video available then we think. By being resourceful and repurposing videos we’ve already created, you’ll be able to fill your video library quickly. Key videos that don’t take much time to produce, and can easily be repurposed are;

  • Host More On-Demand Webinars
    • Repurposing webinar content is an easy way to increase engagement and drive demand. You can add on-demand webinars to your website, repurpose them as blog posts, add them to nurture campaigns, sales enablement emails, and more.
  • Produce Event Videos
    • Use events that you attended or host as prime video territory for you to capture/create great videos. Reach out to key customers/thought leaders beforehand to set up interviews with attendees, or merely recap the events of the conference for your audience.
  • Record Product Videos
    • You can easily record key features in your product with free video apps, like Vidyard GoVideo, and then embed those videos into a more in-depth blog post. This can help you breathe new life into older content by adding an engaging video element.

“Satisfaction with video marketing results, increases as video production numbers increase.” – Demand Metric Report: The State of Video Marketing in 2017


4. Utilize Advanced Features and Functions

A decade ago video production used to require studios/large cameras, processing suites, and full production efforts to shoot one video. Now it’s much more affordable and easy to produce and the cost and skills needed to produce video have gone down, yet the quality has improved.

Thanks to many advancements in features and functionality that are available to help marketers create outstanding video content, on a budget, that captivates and engages audiences. Take a look at the top features marketers said they needed to have in their video marketing process.

“Those who use advanced features and functions are 29% more satisfied with their video marketing than those who don’t.” – Demand Metric Report: The State of Video Marketing in 2017

Top Performing Advanced Video Platform Features

  • Video Analytics
    • Since up to 90% of the buyer’s journey is conducted before a customer contacts sales, analytics provide the insight marketers need to determine what they need to do to convert customers.
  • Centralized Video Hub
    • A video marketing platform provides marketers with valuable insights into who is watching and which viewers are converting to leads, helping them make better decisions and show ROI. It will also unlock new insights into which content is more effective at engaging and converting audiences.
  • Interactive Video Content
    • Interactive events are moments that you choose to enhance the video experience for your customer. Ensuring you’re driving engagement at key moments during your video. Adding annotations or embedding a form are ways to better convert using video.
  • Personalized Video Content

What trends do you see in your video content? I want to hear about them in the comments below. To make sure you’re even more prepared to up your video marketing game, I’ve attached our 6 Video Marketing Trends infographic, which further explores Demand Metrics findings on what marketers are doing with video.

If you’re looking to learn the new trends, benchmarks, and steps you can take to be even more successful in your video marketing efforts this year, then “Hot Off the Press! B2B Video Trends, Benchmarks and Success Factors” is the video for you!


The post Hot Off the Press! B2B Video Trends, Benchmarks and Success Factors appeared first on Vidyard.

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