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Tuesday 23 January 2018

How Are Things Changing in Sales Development?

Welcome to Modern Sales Point of View, a new series that connects you with industry-leading experts to hear their views on what’s working in sales, and what’s changing. In this edition, we are featuring the exuberant Trish Bertuzzi, CEO of The Bridge Group. Trish discusses her views on Account-Based Revenue, what no longer works in sales development, and some essential sales tools your teams should be using.

How Are Things Changing in Sales Development?

When asked about the changes happening in Sales development Trish was quick to point out that there is a C level change going on in sales development, and here’s why.

“Our buyers have built this massive wall between them and us,” exclaims Trish “the reason they did that is that we have bored the ever loving crap out of them with banal messaging. We’ve added zero value to our message, so you know what? Up goes the wall.”

What no Longer Works in Sales Development?

What no longer works in sales development is sending generic emails. Trish explained that sending content that has nothing to do with your buyer’s life is the problem.

“Sending emails that say “Hey I want to grab 30 minutes in your calendar to chat” don’t work anymore,” said Trish “you have to get creative because traditional emails/content has fallen by the wayside.”

What Are the Key Tools Sales Teams Should be Using?

One is video; you should be using video throughout the entire sales process. Trish believes that video is no longer just top of funnel content. It’s powerful, and if you think of how you can use video to escalate your sales process, you’ll see it can be used in many other areas of your funnel.

Number two is conversational intelligence. If you’re not recording calls then what can you possibly be thinking? There is so much to learn from every interaction and conversation with prospects that you should be reviewing all of those conversations to optimize your approach.

Let’s Play Sales Buzzwords!

As an added bonus—we played a little word association with Trish around sales buzzwords. Check it out below and see if you can relate.

We’d love to hear what’s working (or not working) for you in your sales development efforts. Sound off in the comments below.

The post How Are Things Changing in Sales Development? appeared first on Vidyard.

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