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Monday 26 February 2018

How To Generate Authenticity In Your Outreach Videos

If you’re thinking about using video in your sales process, like outreach videos, but aren’t sure where to start–we’re here to help you out. Video Vednesday delivers industry-leading tips right to your inbox every Wednesday on how to use video to increase response rates, book more meetings, speed up sales cycles, and close more deals.

Let’s take a look at the powerful sales knowledge we delivered to sales professionals around the world last month.

Authenticity in Your Outreach Videos

No one wants to feel like they are listening to someone reading a script at them, be real and be human by customizing each video for your prospects… And don’t be worried about little “umms” and “ahs” you probably sound like that on the phone and it’s more human.

Learn more about adding authenticity to your outreach videos by watching the video below.

Video Vednesdays: Authenticity in Your Outreach Videos

Tips for Building Confidence in Front of the Camera

You may be new to selling with video so we wanted to talk about building confidence in front of the camera. When it comes to becoming camera ready try to focus on your look, your sound, and your expressions. Always try to practice what it is you have to say so that you feel more confident when it’s’ time to actually film your video.

Learn more about how to get camera ready by watching the video below.

Video Vednesday:Tips for Building Confidence in Front of the Camera

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Video Vednesdays today! 

4 Types of Messages you Must Replace with Video

Still, haven’t tried adding video to your sales cadence? Why not? You could be saving a ton of time! If you’re writing an email longer than 300 words think about swapping that out for a webcam video instead. Not only can you save yourself time writing, you save your viewer time-consuming.

Learn more below about the different message types you can replace with video.

Video Vednesday: 4 Types of Messages you Must Replace with Video

Tips for Creating A Killer Video Voicemail

Adding video to your outreach efforts is known to increase response rates, but there are some tips you should follow to make sure your videos are as effective as possible.

Check out the video below to learn 4 ways to make your video voicemails stand out and wow prospects.

Video Vednesday: Tips for Creating A Killer Video Voicemail

This month we delivered key tips that aimed to help salespeople become more confident behind the camera, craft even more engaging videos for their outreach efforts, and learn where they can replace traditional messaging with video to make their message more consumable for prospects.

You don’t want to miss out on all the tips and tricks so sign up now for Video Vednesdays to make sure you’re getting powerful sales knowledge delivered directly to your inbox every Wednesday!


Have a topic you would love to see us cover, or some advice you want to share with other salespeople who are looking to add video to their sales cycle, then leave it in the comment section below!

The post How To Generate Authenticity In Your Outreach Videos appeared first on Vidyard.

from Vidyard

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