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Friday 6 April 2018

What Marketing Can Learn from Sales featuring Patrice Greene

Welcome to this edition of Modern Marketing Point of View. Today we hear from the dazzling Patrice Greene, President of Inverta. Patrice joins us to discuss what’s changing in the world of marketing, what’s working in content, and what marketing can learn from sales.

What’s changing in modern marketing?

Patrice thinks the major change happening in marketing right now is that companies are diversifying their approach. While before they might have been exclusively focused on inbound or traditional demand generation, now “they’re starting to look at additional marketing strategies to support an organizational growth strategy,” she says.

What’s working in content marketing?

“More and more research is being done on our buyers,” Patrice says. That research is crucial because it helps marketers create messaging and content that meets the buyer with what they need based on their specific business challenges or initiatives.   

She also thinks that contenting marketing teams who are seeing success are the ones who are cultivating a strong relationship with sales. “Let’s work together to identify what our buyer really needs,” she says. “As opposed to marketing’s role be solely about enabling sales or passing leads over the proverbial MQL line.”

What can marketing learn from sales?

Again, Patrice argues that collaboration is everything. As it currently stands, she often sees sales executing their playbook, while “marketing has been on the other side of the fence, executing campaigns in a way that is disconnected from what’s sitting within a sales playbook.” When marketing starts tightly harmonizing their actions and messaging with sales, they become much more effective.

Let’s play marketing buzzwords!

As an added bonus, we asked Patrice to take part in some fun, marketing-inspired word association. See if you can relate.

We’d love to hear what’s working (or not working) for you in your marketing efforts. Sound off in the comments below.

The post What Marketing Can Learn from Sales featuring Patrice Greene appeared first on Vidyard.

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